3-Plant Instant Carnivorous Bog Kit

3-Plant Instant Carnivorous Bog Kit


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This is a great kit to make your very own container planting of a few different kinds of temperate carnivorous plants.  These plants will enjoy being grown outdoors, in many areas and will catch tons of flies, yellow jackets, and gnats.  Our kit is great if you are new to carnivorous plants, want a fun planter for your garden, or just want to get planty!

We send you an 8×6 inch porous plastic pot, our special long-haired New Zealand sphagnum moss plug, a selection of temperate plants, and complete growing instructions. The plants we send vary by month depending on what we have available but in general, you will receive:

One Venus Flytrap (Dionaea), one American Pitcher Plant (Sarracenia), and one Sundew (Drosera). We send you plants either potted or in plugs based on availability. We cannot customize these collections.

SKU: 3-plant-beginners-bog-kit Category:


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